maanantai 6. kesäkuuta 2011



So I think you got my point. What can happen after nine months? Lots of things, you can have a baby for instance. I haven't seen my family since last August, 28th and now I've started to feel it's a long time. And I miss them.
But my waiting is coming to its end because my two dearest ones, my dad and sister are here tomorrow. (Well, in Finland it's already Monday so I can say it like that).
I can't describe these mixed emotions; on the one hand I feel excited and really pumped about seeing them so soon and knowing there'll be great adventures TOGETHER during next two weeks.
On the other hand I also feel kinda sad because their arrival makes me realize how long I've really been here and how little period of time is left anymore.
The title tells about it, too. Only one month before I leave Chilliwack behind but luckily - not for ever.
I first thought I wouldn't talk about this here but I think it's good to mention it; I've been thinking and praying a lot lately and God's given me the peace that I'm coming back here for good. When it happens, I don't know. But it gives me strength to leave everything behind when I know that one day I'll come and stay. Well, you never know if something will change that but that's how the things are right now at least. It doesn't mean that I wouldn't miss all of you guys in Finland, I do, and I love you. And I'm coming there soon, in less than two months. It'll be good to see your faces then :-)

Anyways, knowing family Pekurinen next couple of weeks will be crazyyyy, CAN'T WAIT! I've already warned the guys here about my beautiful sister, hands off or you come to talk to me first ;-)

Sisters in 2007, haven't changed a bit

Ps, there will be one more reunition, my dad will bring me RYE BREAD and not just some random kind but the one my mom made for me! Who's the happiest little pumpkin?! And yeah I think you noticed I switched to English. I thought it'd be nice for my Canadian friends (and for the readers from different countries) and if I'm honest, it's way easier (and less annoying) than writing/reading Finglish. Finnish mixed with English. And also it's good practise for myself because I don't write so many texts, I only talk and talk and talk. Let me know what you think about this change.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Eiköhän sinun ystävät osaa lukea kuulumisiasi englanniksikin.

    Luin kohdan "I'm coming back here for good" kaksi tai kolmekin kertaa ja toivoin, etten ymmärtänyt sitä oikein. ;P

    Oikein riemullista jälleen näkemistä teille. Harmi, ettei koko komppania ole koossa, mutta ei siihenkään enää kauan mene.

    ♥ Sirpa

  2. :-D Kiitos kovasti, tata jannityksen ja riemun maaraa ei voi kylla sanoin kuvailla!
    Ja sanohan hirmuisesti terveisia sinne pain!
