tiistai 5. kesäkuuta 2012

Pictures part2

So here we go, a few more pictures for you guys. It's just way easier to tell about things with photos and they help you to understand how awesome it's here hahhaa! At least I hope so. But seriously, if I just described how pretty it is here, you could be "Yes sure Mimmi, you're always exaggerating". Well, not this time ;-) 
My days have been filled with crazy adventures, great conversations and just amazing experiences with people I love. Could I ask for more? I don't think so.

 Oh, and I'll post the pictures of the May Long Weekend next time, there's too much of them hehhee.

 With seester and other friends on the river on the other day

Just love the views here!

Like these ones from our patio

What did I just say?

So yes, I'm also working. How can I help you? :-)

Or this is probably more likely my face when serving people hahhaa

I went to Minter Gardens when I had a day off

Just loved it!

With the gazebo (I know the word now hehh)


And then we had a great day in Vancouver, for free (I had this Tourism Challenge passport that allowed me to go to all the attractions in Lower Mainland for free with one friend in month of May. And now when I finished it, I have free admissions to all those places for a year! So, I have to stay for a whole year right ;-) But yeap, perks with my job are quite nice) This one's called Capilano Suspension Bridge!

A cute little waterfall


I was causing troubles, surprise surprise

She was a Canadian goose

And me too! So I'm officially Canadian ((goose)) now ;-D

Hmmm :--)

Then we went to a little farm

And watched some beautiful sceneries from Vancouver Lookout (tower)

Home sweet home, my Chilliwilli <3

I work right there, you're more than welcome to drop by!

I love these little farmer markets, this one was in Sardis where I used to live

In Van with another beautiful lady! <3

Wanna go out with me? ;-) It's time for a date night!

MIB3 & an invisible man

Candle dinners on our patio are the best. Just sayin'.

Last laughters:
I couldn't believe what I saw when passing Joe's (cloth store) in Vancouver. I've always known Finland and all the Finnish things are in fashion but still - I asked a guy who worked at the store if he had any idea of the insipration of the shirt: "Hmmm, I think it's somekind of flag". Oh really? Well, now he knows.

Ps, Happy Bday Mom, I hope you had a great and sunny day and I can't wait until you get here (in three weeks!) and I get to hug you and show you all the places I love so much. Miss you! 

lauantai 2. kesäkuuta 2012

I love you sis.

I'm really fortunate in so many ways. Especially lately I've felt like living in a dream. I just love my life but I don't want to take it for granted, God's been blessing me a LOT and I'm so thankful for that.

I have a loving family, boyfriend and friends, I'm healthy, I have a great job and I'm living in the country where I truly feel "I belong here".
 I am also lucky when I can say I have lots of sisters (seesters). Not only those tied to me through blood but also friendships that are more like sister&sister or sister&brother relationships. But this post is about my lovely little sister Milja who "graduated" (well, finished, had her commencement?) from middle school today and thanks to technology I was able to be in two places at the same time regardless of the fact that those places are an ocean apart. 

Yes, I was in Finland via Skype tonight. There's nothing unsual about that, I skype with my friends and family every week (at least I try) but there was something special this time. I was able to be in the actual graduation party when she got her diploma (thanks to my dad's iPad). It was so funny though, to see all my former teachers and talk with the principal. I was so happy it was possible for me to attend this way because I was very disappointed when I realized that even though I loved coming back to Canada as soon as possible it also meant I'd miss the party. Now I at least got a taste of it. 

Congrats Milja, I love you so much and I'm so proud of your hard work. You deserved your day, enjoy!  

 Singing "Suvivirsi" (the last song every year), brings memories!

Sis, mum, grandma, me!

 And as "loppukevennys" (last laughters?) I had to spoil this, sorry M. My face tells it all. I think they have never seen anything like this at Elomaa (the school). Way to go girl! (So yes, this is her diploma, she got straight A:s, all the "lukuaineet" so main subjects)