maanantai 28. helmikuuta 2011


I know that you're basically all just waiting for my text about LA and I promise you it's coming but this one (like you might have noticed because of English) is dedicated to my favourite girls that I also call my seesters.

Love at the first sight, like with Van <3

They are two girls who have changed me and my life and who have had the biggest impact on my time in Canada by far. They have taught me so much but especially I've learned that you can really love some people after such a short time even if you think it wouldn't be possible.

The flower girls, ah that beauty!

As much as I have just wanted to block this thing out of my mind I finally have to admit that those amazing women are leaving me today! (But not forever, like Justin Bieber sings: "Never say Never" and actually one of them just moves a little bit further away)

She's not that much taller than us in real life!!

My 6 months (5 more to go) are over and all I can say is that the time has just flown by and mostly thanks to those two. I've (well not always but most of my life) considered myself as a person that is open and easy to get along with, so I thought "Of course I'm gonna get friends and everything will work out when I go to Canada." Luckily that has happened but I don't take it for granted anymore.

Yummy yummy yummy!

When you come to a new culture, to new circumstances and you have to survive with the language that isn't your native one, you could feel pretty overwhelmed. But I've been blessed with the most amazing people you can imagine.

Hiking and one more huge tree!

This sounds bad and you guys in Finland know how much I love you but in fact I haven't even had so much time to miss you because my sisters have kept me busy. And in my opinion that's the way it should go. I'm in Canada on purpose (for a purpose) and I should enjoy my life here and take everything out of it and that's what I've been doing.


I've done everything with them, we have gone through the good and the bad times together and grown up a lot! But the "not so nice" thing is that when you spend all your free moments with someones (so you see them every day, you talk to them many times per day) you get to used to it. For instance when you feel like there's some big happy news, or you're feeling sad or just want to chat you only need to grab the phone and call (remember those free phone calls! It'd be nice to know how many minutes we've spent on phone..)
"All you have to do is call and I'll be there".
And the most amazing thing is that there are those people who want to hear about you, who want to know how you feel and who want to share their lives, too!

Best_Friends_Forever (put a ring on it!)

I know that some of you think that "Well, she has known them only for 5-6 months, so she can't really know them or love them". WELL... I think I do :-) They are more than just friends you hang out sometimes, they are my sisters with whom I share everything. Not so much clothes as they do but all the experiences, emotions and thoughts. It's hard to explain and I understand if you're confused about how it can be possible. There must be something in the water here in Can ;-) (Did you know, it also makes your hair grow very fast!)

Ela 19, so an adult now (Young forever though and "I will fight til forever!")

When I said that we've also gone through those bad times I only meant the hardships all of us have faced, together. It's so good a feeling when you don't have to stand on your own but you always know you have support and you get helped. And I think that all of us have also learned that we don't need to survive by ourselves, there's something way bigger than us.

One of the normal days of our lives in Can!

Of course we have met lots of other awesome people, too! (Mostly from our AWESOME church, you can check the website: Southside)
But I think we kind of "share" our friends, it's like "Instead of one you get three"! I basically mean that we feel comfortable (comforTABLE, sorry hon', I had to ;-) with each other and we don't feel like we need other, separate lives, too. Although lately especially I have started to get to know also other people because I knew this day was coming. And for example we've got to know that crazy sporty yogurt girl we went to LA with! (And new adventures with her are coming soooooon, love you!)

My beautiful best friends! (Single ladies, single ladies but I still don't get WHY?!)

Really, with them: I can be beautiful...

Reindeer, only the red nose was missing!

crazy weird..

GLEEKS 4-ever!

gleek myself!

And this one tells it all:

Getting lost but with you guys, it was just so much fun, always!

One important lesson has also been that I've learned to say "I love you" to my friends more often I used to do. In Finland it's only like "Love ya" like you'd say "See ya" but now I know when I say it that I really mean it and I want my loved ones know it, too. So in Finnish, auf Deutsch and in English to both of you guys:


And I don't like sayin' Goodbyes so I just say Auf Wiedersehen and Nahdaan kohta!

torstai 10. helmikuuta 2011

I'll smile with the sunshine


Tavarat on (melkein kokonaan) pakattu, passi ja liput ovat tallessa sekä kyyti odottamassa. Kultaiset tähdet, valkoiset kyltit ja hiekkarannat odottavat, LOS ANGELES, here I come! See ya on the Valentine's Day <3!

Ps, voitte tämän kuvan avulla päästä lämpöisiin tunnelmiin mukaan! ;-)